✅ Flashcard: Create and Study Custom Flashcards


by Robert Petitto

Create and study flash cards! Create a topic, then add words, definitions and images (URL, upload or draw). Study either side of the flashcard or quiz yourself on the word list screen. Track your progress as you go and see an integrated progress bar on the Topic screen!


Hey Robert I’m really excited to check this one out!


Another new english word :slight_smile:image


Dang it!

Love it!

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Great :+1: :+1:

:partying_face:Version 2 in the works!


I got stuck trying to swipe too :rofl::rofl:

This is great! I can’t swipe in the builder either…

How’d you get it to “reset” though? I’ve been trying to get that part figured out all day to no avail! :woozy_face:

Hint #1—don’t use checkboxes or true/false or any other type of binary boolean…
Hint #2—watch my video from yesterday’s post


Use user-specific timestamps instead of true false and then a master timestamp upon pressing the “reset button”. Compare the times to see if the cards should be visible or not!

Actually is LA serpiente :B.
Great app! :+1:

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Thank you - from one Robert to another!

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Getting closer!!!


Ok I think I got it…the only part I’m confused about is how the “master timestamp” works…

…which is probably a key element as to why I can’t get this working haha

The reset button place a timestamp at the parent level (in my case, topics). In each of my children (flashcards) I have a relation back to the parent. I then do a lookup of this reset timestamp and compare it to each of the “complete this task” timestamp. If the reset timestamp is after the complete timestamp, then it’s no longer “complete” via an if-then-else column.

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Is there a free template for flashcards? If not, is there any platform other than glide that I can use to create flashcards that can work with glide?

Thank you

is this still possible to create a swiping flashcard template with the current Glideapp?

Glide apps (previously pages) don’t have the swipe feature… not sure if there are plans to add it or not. You can create something similar though with a next button and some logic to display a single item.

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Can you go into more details about your use case? Maybe swiping is not the only feasible layout?