✅ Flashcard: Create and Study Custom Flashcards

This is my project: https://ask.happykid.vn/
I want to update the Quiz Tab into a card-by-card layout (can be swiping or next-button)

Ah, swiping is not a layout that is supported in the new Glide Apps as of now. The next button can work, though.

  • Create a user-specific column to hold a “Navigation Index” value.
  • Create a rowID column in your table that contains quizzes.
  • Create a lookup column and target the whole rowID column above.
  • Use the column type “Find Element Index”, with the input being the lookup column above as an array, and the element to find being the rowID of each row. Then you’ve got the index of each row.
  • Create an If-Then-Else column. If the user-specific column in the first step is empty, returns 0. Else return the number that the column contains.
  • Create a relation from that If-Then-Else column to the “Find Element Index” column.
  • Use lookups to return values from the relation that you would then show on the “single card”.
  • Add a button block to move backward and forwards by decrementing/incrementing the user-specific column’s value. Don’t allow moving backward when the value is 0, and don’t allow moving forward when the value is the max number of questions you have.

Yeah…I made a new version of this app that doesn’t use the swipe layout:


Thank you, I’ll try to update the app :blush:

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thank you

Great idea for the app, by the way! And hello to a fellow Vietnamese Glider!

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