Filtering the inline list

Hi Everyone :wave: :wave:

So I want to filter the inline list like the comments of that item.

I created a sheet for the comments and the comments are storing there.

And I want to know how do I set the relationship column for the comments? Like that column is showing that item all comments. I set it like comment to that item name. I think it’s wrong. Because nothing appears there :expressionless:

Thank you :blush:

So you have an Items table, and a Comments table related to Items?

Assuming you’re using the comments component, you can set the “topic” of the comments to each item’s rowID, then relate using that rowID.


Hi ThinhDinh :wave:

Thanks for your reply

Yes so I have a one sheet for the comments and one sheet for the items in my google sheet and I want to display that current item comments with a inline list. ThinhDinh I want to use the inline list to display the comments.

Thank you :blush:

Yeah, so try going with the method I posted above and see if it works.

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