Lookup columns not available for display in inline lists

I have 3 sheets: Products, Reviews, Users.

I have created relations among various sheets. I am trying to place reviews as inline lists on products page. This works fine except for the part that lookup columns display user properties (display name) in reviews sheet is not showing up in products inline lists. Is this a bug or unavailable feature.

I know I can always do a VLookup in Google Sheets (Thanks @ThinhDinh). But I want a solution from Glide team so that I can prevent relying too much on Google Sheets formulas.

Thanks for reading the problem and suggesting a solution :slight_smile:

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Your relation is Multiple or not?

It must be multiple to show items.


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Its multiple. Its (lookup data) showing in glide’s review sheet but not in inline list on product-review inline list.

Your relation should be single for a lookup to be place in a single value component or setting.

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Thanks @Jeff_Hager. I had no idea. I assumed if it shows in Glide Data, it should show as an option in inline list. Works now :slight_smile:

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I understood @S_C that you wanted to see products (plural)


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:+1:np. Thanks for your time and help @gvalero