Edit screen conditions not working now

For some reason, now my edit screen conditions aren’t working.

I have profiles that are set to ONLY be allowed to edit if you are the salon owner or the professional that owns that profile. Now my edit conditions aren’t working on a bunch of my profiles and ANYONE can edit
Viewing as anyone. conditions set to match owner email or admin. Yet I’m allowed to edit.

another example

But this one you can’t edit

All have the same exact conditions and are on the same list of pros. This is not a while-using-builder issue, it’s the same on my phone while using the app as a non-logged in user!

How is your data looking in the table when you are on this screen and going between different users? Are there any differences? How is the “Is admin” condition set up?

I noticed that the problem is when it’s a not-signed-in user and one of my conditions is a lookup column. i have a public app and my lookup column condition is allowing them edit even when signed in users can’t. This is a new issue.

My is admin is a boolean.

Do those first two Pros have a Salon Owner Email and/or a PayhereCustomer Email value that is empty? What kind of values do you have in your lookup columns?

How does your lookup column look when it’s on a selected page/user. It would be helpful to see your data to see what is happening with the conditioning.

The problem is… that non-sign-in users have an empty email, so it meets conditions for empty value… change that to user role solon owner+email, using the join column… so non-signed users will be missing word salon owner in the condition

I just checked the published version. It works correctly @Katelyn_Alberts . Can you check that again?

It does seem like just a visual bug in the editor to me. When you change users, the condition does get reset but doesn’t get applied to the edit button until you go out and back in again.

So the same bug as this.

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Hi Thinh, I changed the conditional settings for editing to not include the salon owner lookup bc that was causing the issue and i didn’t want to leave it that way. I first noticed it on my phone while using the app without being signed in, so it’s not an in-editor bug (although i did have to constantly keep refreshing the pages to get the editor to respond correctly to the changes between users).

Hi Uzo, I’m trying to follow why this would be an issue only now, but i kind of understand how an empty user could by-pass conditions with an empty row, but that also seems a bit extreme, and only happening on this lookup column. I’ve never used a joined column so i don’t fully understand what it’s combining. Is that this one:

And am i joining this with something?

First 2 pros did not have salon owner email available. So lookup was empty on theirs.

this is my lookup column:

Sorry, i miss explain technique… to join these two, use the template column in the user sheet, so the result will be owner email one word… now in the filter use that instead just email, that would eliminate empty records and make unsigned users filtered out

ok i think i understand, but will that resolve the issue even if I have empty rows since not everyone has a salon owner email?

I think what I would do to fix it is add IF columns to check if the Lookup/Email is not empty. If it isn’t empty, have the IF column return the Lookup/Email. Else return the word ‘none’. Then change your edit condition to look at the IF column instead. This way, they will never be empty, and if a user is not signed in, it won’t be comparing empty to empty. It will be comparing empty to ‘none’, meaning a non-signed in user will not have edit rights.

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I actually just did something very similar that i think worked!
I combined the pro email and salon email bc one of them should always be filled out in order for a profile to be created. But it’s not fool proof if someone messes something up or changes their info, so if i randomly get an empty column how do i actually get it to fill in the word “none”, I just tried and it didn’t fill the blank. Do i need to make a template column that is filled in with none?

Change your if-then-else logic slightly…

  • If Stylist email is not empty, then Stylist email
  • If Salon Owner email is not empty, then Salon Owner email
  • Else None
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Will that still allow the stylist email to be the dominant email address? I only want salon owners to be able to edit the pro accounts if the stylist did NOT create the account themselves (hence stylist email isn’t available).

Yes :slightly_smiling_face:
The if-then-else column will return the first condition that matches.

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and look at that, the none magically appears!