Duplicating Tables Resets my layout

I’m guessing this is op error but can’t figure this out. So I have a complicated step form with about 20 steps, I want to re-use this layout on multiple tables. So my process is to duplicate the table and re-name it then Duplicate the form in the layout section of the APP and re-name it. But when I assign the New layout to the new table it completely resets the form and I would have to build it all again. My workaround is to copy all the elements and paste them into the new layout which works but I’m also finding my duplicate table has all the columns rearranged or some missing (row ID etc) I’m just wondering what I’m doing wrong?
Cheers all

I think copying and pasting elements is the way to go. I wouldn’t trust Glide to connect to the right columns even when you duplicate the table and the form.

Are your forms closely related to each other? Is there a reason you don’t keep data in just one table if they’re closely related?

Hi @ThinhDinh thanks so much for the reply. So I’m a real low coder but I built a app for clients that helps them with digital marketing (here’s my first question Multiple businesses in one APP) It’s an individual app for each business but it’s started to take off and essentially I’m just rebuilding the same App over and over with slight changes depending on the client. Trouble is when I develop a new feature, I have to manually go and rebuild everyone’s APP and that’s not gonna fly for much longer so I went along the lines of one APP multiple businesses. Now I’m running into this problem, I’m not experienced enough to manage scaling it right off the bat :slight_smile:

So you have to store the data of each company in their own table? I would try to bring them to the same table.

So I use the AI in glide to personally adapt each business using a specific prompt for that entity once it’s done I use an action to push that info to another table ready for an API to do it’s thing, I’m not sure how I keep each businesses data separate, but I like your thinking, just not sure how to do it. (I know advice without seeing my working is very very hard so I appreciate your help)

So are you currently having those businesses’ data in the same table or not?

You can just show the structure you have, not the actual data.

No, the way i’ve done it is each business currently has its own separate app. There is one table that receives input from the end user and this is manipulated by an AI prompt to become a better version of what was inputted. Once all data is approved, it is pushed to a new table that is ready to be distributed by API’s to the appropriate platform. There are multiple users with different access levels and multiple data sets depending on the access level. Each App currently uses about 13 tables of information per business so I’m guessing I may have over engineered myself into this problem

Sorry I should have been more clear, only 3 tables are per business the others run things on the app