Duplicated App data linkage?

Hi fellow gliders, sorry I didn’t know how exactly to describe this one :joy: So, When I duplicate an app, rename it, or put it in a new folder, some of the internal databases remain linked, for example, I have app1 and app2 and when I change data in a table in app1, it’s reflected in App2, not every table , just some, I just wonder what I’m doing incorrectly cause it’s very dangerous for me mucking up a live table
Thanks heaps, Laz

I guessing that at some point you must have duplicated one App to create a new one?

When you duplicate an App, Glide will present you with a choice:

  • Keep same sheet
  • Copy the sheet

If you choose the first option (which I suspect you did), then the tables in both Apps will be linked in such a way that if you change the data in one App, the change will be reflected in the other App. This only applies to non-computed columns, and only applies to the tables that are present at the time the first App is duplicated. Any new tables that you add after that will not be linked. This is probably why you see the behaviour in some tables, but not all.

When you choose the second option, each App gets its own copy of the database without any linkage at all.

If your goal is to remove any linkage between the two Apps, then there are probably two ways you can go about that:

  • Option 1
    – Create a fresh duplicate of the first App, choosing “copy the sheet”, and then rebuild that as your second App
  • Option 2
    – Identify all the tables that are linked, duplicate those tables in the second App, reconfigure all references to those tables, and then unlink them

Which is the best option probably depends on how much the two Apps have diverged since the duplicate was made. Option 1 is probably cleaner, but may involve more work. That’s for you to decide.

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Hey Thanks @Darren_Murphy yes that does sound like the problem, Now I know what I’ve done I can make the changes to fix, thanks heaps as always man :slight_smile:

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Option 3: Duplicate the second app, select ‘Copy the Sheet’, make that duplicate your primary second app and get rid of the old second app. That way you don’t need to rebuild or reconfigure anything.


duh :man_facepalming: