Duplicate app - no share posibility

My app’s URL:
Dear All,
I duplicated my app, sharing the same Google sheet - and everything is working ok.
First app is for ADMIN, the copy is for USER. USER is email sign-in filtered - works fine !
But…I cannot share de copy (USER) :frowning: to my team.
The link generated send me to the Glide Library :slight_smile:


Have someone faced something like this ?

Thank you

That doesn’t look like a value Glide URL. It should look like this: xxxx.glideapp.io.

Where are you getting the ‘rebrand.ly’ link from? Did you publish the app and generate a new URL?

Hi Jeff,
I complete forget to publish the app !!! :frowning: I just generated the link and it was https://rebrand.ly/75a86 … Shame on me :slight_smile:
Now is ok. Thank you very much !


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