[dummy] Exception: Error: Assertion failed

I am getting this error message every one in a while (just started a few days ago no changes to application by me) on my application.

It is in this action.

Any ideas of what to look for. Is the error on the Go Back or the Show notification.

It’s likely to be the Go back action. Can you provide more context about how this action is used?

The system reserves a kayak or canoe for a certain time and day. A user picks a date and time and they are taken to this screen

They then push Make Reservation and they are taken to this screen, This is shown where the user has chosen their name off a choice and the type of boat off a choice

The action is executed when they press Complete Reservation to record the reservation, display a success notification and the go back takes them back to the previous screen which now looks like this because there is a reservation

The success generally is display when this screen is shown. Maybe a race condition here?

Maybe I should do the go back and then the success?

Yeah, I would try moving the Go back action up to see if there’s a difference.

Will do. Will let it run and see if I get the error. Will post back here the results

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I moved the Go back action up. Today I got the same error, different user. There were probably over 300 reservations made over the time period that worked perfectly.

I would suggest reporting it to the team and please let us know if you find the cause. Thank you!

See this as a possible explanation of issue

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Thanks for sharing.