I’m creating a tutoring app, and I want a form where my tutors can just check all the subjects they’re proficient in. I’m pretty sure I would use checkboxes, but I can’t find any tutorials on using them. Do you know of any? If not, would I just create a new form, with all the subjects for them to check? Would it have to be a new form/sheet, or could I somehow add it to the existing one? I really don’t know anything because I can’t find a tutorial that focuses just on Glide checkboxes.
You’re right about this using checkboxes. You would have an option to use multiple columns and multiple checkboxes, or you can list all subjects in another sheet and show them in an inline-list, pointing the checkboxes to a user-specific boolean column.
Yeah, I’ve seen that. That’s pretty much how i would expect that part of it to work, but I was hoping for something with some audio, that explained the setup, and actually showed how to create a form with several checkboxes. I guess I have an idea of how that would work, but I’m always apprehensive about going in there by myself, and ruining things.lol
Would the user specific boolean column be used for directing the students to their desired subjects?
You can bring back that value using the method below:
In your user profiles sheet, create a template column with the text “True”.
Make a relation using that column, pointing to the user-specific column in the Subjects sheet, make it a multiple match relation.
Go back to your user profiles sheet, create a joined list column, joining all subject names from the relation above.
Directing the user to desired subjects by showing them an inline list, filter it by subject name is included in joined list column.
Thank you.
This is to connect the students with the correct tutors, after I’ve figured out the checkboxes though, right?lol
So are the checkboxes meant for students or tutors?
I think I need the checkboxes for the students to check all the subjects that they’re proficient in. I think that, after I have that, I can worry about matching the students to them.
Let us know if you need more help after that step!
So, do you think, I should use multiple columns and multiple checkboxes, or list all the subjects in another sheet and show them in an inline-list, pointing the checkboxes to a user-specific boolean column? Would the multiple columns and checkboxes make it easier for the students to navigate?
I think it’s the same thing you show on the screen, the only difference is that you would need multiple checkbox components in the multiple columns case.