Do I really have 1,000,000 users?

We’ve temporarily increased limits on Legacy plans to keep users with custom, pre-existing usage quotas from hitting any inaccurate overage limits. It’s part of our migration to the new billing system. Actual limits will be reinstated when the migration work is complete.

You’ll find more details on the legacy plans and their limits here.

Glide in 2024 is in a very different place than Glide in 2019.

We’re supporting a significantly greater number of users and apps than five years ago. Most of it happens through private support channels like email and chat.

That said, David and the rest of the team are still paying attention to the community forum and following what’s being discussed here.

Can we do better? Absolutely. We’re working on it, just like we’re working on every other aspect of Glide.

I’m sorry you feel that way. Hopefully you’ll give us another shot in the future. :pray: