Display Text on screen if User Does NOT meet Criteria

If there is a better way to do this please let me know.

I have an app that displays the Fee’s associated with a player on a soccer team. We have multiple players on a team and multiple teams.

Here is screen shots of the data
List of players on U16 Team

List of fees and Payments for a Player

On my U10 team I am testing the ability to only show the data that is associated with the logged in users. Which I have successfully done. So if the logged in users has a player on the u10 team that user will on see their players data. Example below.

U10 Logged in users

The issue i am trying to solve is that if a user selects the U10 team and DOES NOT have a player on the team they get the following screen.

Is there a way to present them with another screen or image? maybe - You do not have a player on this team or You are not authorized to view this section or just an image?

You can set visibility on any component based on a column value. Only show your separator lines if name, for example, is not empty or blank. You can do the same with a Rich Text component to show a message only if the name is empty or blank.

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Cool… I got the rich text message to show up. RichText message

But I do not want to show the separator lines ?

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I FIGURED IT OUT!!! Thank you… I set a condition on each one of the separator lines.

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For further clarification, take a look at @JackVaughan’s explanation in this video. It may help clean up your interface a little: https://youtu.be/B8ivh42ZqVA?t=1078