Diferent filter for each view not working

My app’s URL: meser-mvp.glideapp.io

We want to show different results filtering by: today, yesterday, WTD, MTD.


When in one list view I write “hoy” as a filter the other views applies the same filter.

I want to show different data in each view which different filter please.

Layouts are tied to sheets, so if you are adding a component in one list item, it will show the same in all list items. What you need to do is create a relation column on your Meseros sheet to link the column, that contains Hoy for example, to the column in the list/chart sheets that contain the same Hoy column. Then use the relation column/s when setting up your lists and charts instead of a filter.

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I’m trying but return a blank column. Can you elaborate a little bit more please.

I created other columns or even created another sheet and when I select in the list component the new source, affect the other list components too…

Loom recording: https://www.loom.com/share/15effbbdd4ef4d33a4c3b3b9e6cd1879

My app’s URL: meser-mvp.glideapp.io

I have a tab in my sheet for: hoy, ayer, sem, mes


Looks like you changed your app quite a bit since you posted the video, but my answers are based purely on what your app looked like when you created the video.

Looking at your video, what you have happening is exactly what I mean by “layouts are tied to sheet”. You have your top level tab of Resumen. When you click on Hoy, for example, you are taken to the details of the Hoy record in the Resumen sheet. Any changes you make to components on the details of one record of the Resumen sheet will affect the components of details of all the records in the Resumen sheet.

There are 2 ways to fix this. First is to join your Hoy, Ayer, Sem and Mes sheets into one sheet. Then create a relation column that joins the Tabulador value in the Resumen sheet to the Tabulador value in the new sheet. When you add the inline list, you will point it to the relation column instead of the sheet. This will only show records that match what you selected at the top level of the Resumen tab.

If you need to keep the Hoy, Ayer, Sem and Mes sheets separate, then you will instead create 4 relation columns that join the Tabulador value in the Resumen sheet to the Tabulador value in each individual sheet. Then when viewing the details of one of the items in your Resumen list, you will create 4 inline lists that use each of the 4 relation columns you created. Only one of the relations will have matching records and should only show the one list with matching records.

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