Hi Everyone
I noticed now that we can delete and duplicate glide tables
Thank you Glide Team. Really cool!
Hi Everyone
I noticed now that we can delete and duplicate glide tables
Thank you Glide Team. Really cool!
Duplicate table might come very handy in some cases! Thanks for sharing.
Delete too…I have WAY too many Glide tables that have been orphaned
Nice. That will help to keep from making orphan tables. But for ones that are already orphaned, I would hope we would have a way soon to remove those as well…
Yeah, that occurred to me as well.
I haven’t tried this yet, but I assume you could add those orphaned tables to an app (any app), and then delete them from within the app. A bit of a clunky workaround, but I’d expect that would work.
That is clever if it works. I have hundreds, so it would be nice if they would give us a bulk delete (and a way to check all unused tables). My problem is when I do a lot of changes in a day, I will make a “backup” of my app at the beginning of the day to refer back to in case I mess something up. Every so often I delete those backups. You can imagine how many orphan tables I’ve created by doing that!!
And I noticed another one also that if we keep the cursor here
then the apps that linked to this table are showing.
I have confirmed this works. Very tedious, though, with hundreds of tables…