Date Time Format Glide calculated column - Time zone is not correct

Hi Glide Team,
The time zone of the Date Time Format column is not showing the correct Time.
Please help.

That very first column in your table - “Date”
What happens if you edit that column, make no changes, and save it again?

Just tried it, still the same
just looks different

Okay, never mind. Was just a hunch.

Anyway, it looks like the Format Date column is adjusting for your local time zone, which I assume is UTC+3?

The format of the data in the first column is ISO-8166, and the Z on the end indicates that it’s UTC. So the Format Date column is probably doing the right thing in this case. There might be an option that can be used to “fix” that - I haven’t looked closely enough at the docs yet to say for sure.

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This column is written only using an action “current date time” from within the app.
It does not come from the sheet and it is not edited anywhere else.
So how can glide write in one time zone but then display in another?

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I don’t know exactly how it works, but I would assume that under the hood Glide would store all dates/times as UTC, and then convert to local time for display based on the user device/browser settings.

Anyway, I’ve been having my own (separate) issues with the Format Date plugin today, so I’m not ready to fully trust it just yet. It might be a good idea to stick to your original solution just for now.

Or somebody else might have an idea.

Yes you are right.
I don’t trust it either, but I cant use YC so I’m stuck until this is solved :expressionless:

Why can’t you use the YC column?

ohhhhh my bad… I missed it among all the new computed columns and thought it was disabled for new columns.
ok problem solved for now

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I think what they do is store everything in UTC (with the Z at the end) as you said, but that created some problems when my users are not in the same timezone, and they try to create something like an event.

Had to add a column to get their timezone, then convert things with some columns to make sure users always get their localized time.

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