Data changes to 0 in spreadsheet

Hi all,

This behavior just started. I’ve restarted Glide twice and cleared cache both times. Every time I try to add a Youtube URL in the first two rows, video column, the URL automatically defaults back to 0. I can’t figure out why this is happening or how to get my URL to “stick”. Please help!


Do you have an action in your flow that overwrites that column with a zero?

Not that I am aware of, but I’m fairly new to Glide. Can you show me where I would look to find out?

Not specifically, but check any actions that occur when you add or edit rows. Maybe you have On Submit actions that are causing problems when you submit a form. Maybe you have an action on a button that is overweight the url.

You can use the Find Uses option on the column in the data editor to see where that column is being used or touched by the app.


Sorry for the delay – holidays. I’ve tried to follow your troubleshooting steps, but I’m still lost.

  1. When I check the “Actions” screen, I have nothing (see screenshot)
  2. When I click the “Find Uses” option in the column that is being overwritten to 0, this is what I see. Does this mean anything to you?


Have you clicked on the arrow for the item in ‘Find Uses’ to take you to that video component and checked the configuration for that component? Seems that it might be writing the video progress to a column???

Hi there… what should I “Save progress to”

Nothing if you don’t need to use it. I see that it’s set to nothing, so that shouldn’t be the problem.

I feel like I’m missing a key piece of information here. You are showing me two different videos columns. One that’s being written to, and one that’s being read from. You were only referring to a ‘Video’ volumn up until your last post where you are showing a different ‘Youtube Video’ column. Are you sure that you are looking at the right thing?

Hi Jeff – sorry for the confusion. I’d created a second column “Youtube Video” just to see if starting from scratch would solve the issue. But, ultimately, setting the save progress to nothing fixed the issue. Thank you so much!!!

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Awesome! Glad we got it figured out.