I moved this app from a Free Legacy plan to a new Free plan and now the app icon appears to be cut (on Legacy works fine) when I try to add to the home screen on the iPhone, as if it is not set to fill the area. Is it a bug, maybe?
My icon was displaying nicely before i upgraded, now its all over the place. I have added a splash screen but i didn’t upload a logo or a sign in logo. Whats the easiest way to solve this. Because my Icon is now displaying really badly on iphone and android, the splashscreen is fine. What is the optimum size for icons and logo’s. Anyone know what could be the problem? Also are there specific sizes for the backing/splashscreen?
This seems to be fixed now, i’m not sure if the bug was fixed from the backend or if it was the two steps listed above (unpublish > publish & settings > latest version) but everything is displaying fine now. Thanks team👍