Constant value for forms when Column Values don't work

I can only use column values when there is a record already selected. But when I want to use the form to create a new record because there is none yet (due to my filtering), Templates and Single Value type columns to pass on as column value won’t work since there is no record, no value to pass on.

Simple example: Take the Instagram template
Your Profile Tab
Sign up form
How would you create a new user with this form and set the ‘user_type’ (my newly introduced constant for this form) without user imput. This form has no way of receiving column values.
Let’s say I have 3 types of user accounts/roles, and whichever app I use (all 3 of my apps use same sheets) creates users same way as Instagram template but the the user type will be different. I can’t set the user type without user interaction.

  • I would create a Roles sheet with three rows. One row for each role type and the necessary details you would like to write to a new profile.
  • In each app, use the Roles sheet in the detail style layout as a tab with a form button to create a user profile. Filter the tab, so only the correct record shows depending on which app you are in.
  • When you click on the form button to create a profile, you will have access to all of the columns that contain the necessary details to you want to write to the new profile record.
  • As a bonus you, can create a relation column to link to role type to the Profile sheet, then create a lookup column to get a list of emails in that role, then use the lookup column to set Visibility on the components in the Roles tab based on email is signed in user. If the user already created a profile, you can hide the create profile button, show a few details about their profile, and provide a button or list to view the full profile details.

But that is the problem, I don’t want roles to be visible for any users, it just defines which app they can use and it is only determined by which app they used to register with. I do have a roles sheet already but I would only be able to use it for user input.
Edit: I see what you mean, I used a similar trick, in essence you can’t use the same source for the parent tab as for the form… that way you can pass through that information… and you are right it’s sensible to use roles sheet, i simply created a dummy one.

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