Community Update: November 7, 2023 🗞️

Welcome back to your weekly community update!

We have a whack of improvements to the data editor; some new apps waiting on community feedback; and a handful of headlines worth your time.

Let’s jump in.

New Glide features & fixes :sparkles::wrench:


  • Big update for the Data editor with several UI/UX improvements
  • Fixed residual UI issues from the Data editor upgrade
  • Right-clicking column headers no longer triggers your browser’s context menu
  • Updates no longer “get stuck” if Excel briefly returns authentication errors
  • Disabled “includes/is included” operators for JSON
  • Null JSON values are now considered empty, so “is empty” or “is not empty” checks will perform as expected
  • Rollup over queries with Limit now work for Big Tables and SQL data sources :fire:

Layout & components

  • Fixed cases where components wouldn’t duplicate (paste) properly
  • New keyboard shortcuts for the Notes component:
    • Shift + Space inserts four spaces (tab)
    • Command + Period (Mac) toggles the bulleted list
    • Control + Period (Windows) toggles the bulleted list

From the community :raised_hands:

Other goodies :eyes:


New Help Center! (Click the :grey_question: in the builder)


We had @david recently on our podcast! Give it a listen as well.

or here on spotify: The LowCode Podcast | Podcast on Spotify


Great improvements! We’re excited to see new OpenAI features.

We are already working with the new GPT models within Glide, and the results are incredible. We will share our findings with you. However, I feel that JSON is becoming a crucial part of function implementation, and Glide is perfectly suited for this purpose.

And thank you for the featuring us. Cheers!


@eltintero we recorded that episode January – important context!

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