Hey, comments is the only thing I don’t understand and I’ve done almost everything so far. Saved it to almost last. It’s very unclear even though I used my best glasses and zoomed in on the fuzzy gifs and saw what they meant.
It’s a bug because I’m doing everything it says but there appears no comments tab and there shows no comments, and I need to constantly confirm my name as “new user” before writing a comment.
The only time it worked in the past was in an unrealistic situation when I tried adding it on a personal user profile (where in reality it would be only one person viewing it). There I had user’s email as topic.
So either something isnt working right or it needs to be more explainations
Cheers, and thank you!
What I really want it to be able to let people comment on “my instagram” when a post is clicked, just like instagram.
Now it worked somehow when I made it public and logged in on my third user from phone. Still doesnt work to comment from computer.
Ain’t “date” a good topic since it never comes an identical one if it also takes “time” into account?