Clicked install app on iphone but nothing happens

hi guys,

someone on an iphone is having problems installing my app. Their screen looks like this:

When they click install nothing happens. They said they are in Safari but could they be in a pseudo browser? Does anyone know why they can’t install?

What do you mean by “click install”? Do you mean the prompt in the menu?

Have they clicked the icon “add to home screen” like the instruction showed in your screenshot? That should be the final thing to do.

yes, as prompted, they clicked the icon “add to home screen” but nothing happened

Can you tell them to record a video for us? I can install it normally on iOS 17.4.1.

ok, i’ll ask. Where should he start recording from?

lol, let me make sure he actually followed that instruction.

omg, @Darren_Murphy. It worked for him after I sent him your picture! :laughing:

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