Chat Collection for Common Senders

I’m curious, and this may be a feature request, but I’m having difficulty using the chat collection. I am using it to send/receive sms messages for my business but I have multiple “users” who all have different emails, but the texts are coming from the same company from-number.

To get the to/from colors to display correctly, it seems that it only works when I have the “Author Email” the same as the signed-in user. But I’m curious if I can expand that somehow, like a unique email for all my staff?

I can set the “Author email” column, but it only shows blue when that column equals the signed-in user. I would like to be able to select the source so instead of always being the signed-in user, let me choose that or any other value (in my case a shared identifier per location.

Does that make sense? Is there a workaround I’m missing? I would love to be able to use this; I’ve been using texts via a collection for a long time but the chat feature is so much nicer if I could get it to work.

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I am having similar problems and others. I am trying to build a chatbot that will support different users individually (each user should only see their own messages with the bot) with history.
Are you using openai integration?

I use it, but not in this context. My OpenAI uses are more long-form so I use a regular text block for that and as long as I pass the threadID then the history is known and I only need two columns to support it.

My use is more because I have multiple managers sending responses. They all come from a common “from” number but because the user is signed in individually, the only chat bubbles that show blue is the ones from that signed-in user. So, if another manager had responded to part of the thread, those texts look the same as if the customer sent them which makes it very confusing to decipher.

I get around the problem currently by using a list collection and I have an in and out emoji and with filtering it works ok… but the chat feature is much cleaner and I want to upgrade to it.

I would think OpenAI responses should just be tagged as if they were from a “user” via an if/then column or something like that. It would be more difficult, my situation, if you had OpenAI handling some and Claude handling others, for example.


I see!
I also have this second issue you mentioned here:

You can see there is a ‘Banana’ message that is sent by another user and is going all to the same “bubble”.
I will see how to make Openai work later. Now, the bubble issue is blocking me more.

I haven’t used the chat, so bare with me, but I believe you need to write the email of the user that creates the message somewhere in the table, and use the email somewhere in your chart configuration. That’s how it knows if the bubble is your’s or someone else’s.

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You do, it goes in the “Author email” field. But, that’s where my issue lies. If you want to create a customer service app where multiple users can send as-the-business for example, then only their unique texts show as blue but those of their colleagues do not.

It would work great if every unique user was a unique sender. The issue comes up when they send as one.

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Yeah, I’m really not sure what to do in that case.