I create an event and use a switch to allow user to switch on if they wish to attend…
how can we capture the user’s email as soon as the person activate the switch…my plan is to save this user’s email and make a relation to list of registered user and extract their details as attending the event.
Much appreciated any suggestions.
Easiest way is using a form and then adding column values for the user’s email address and event.
thanks. yes, i can do that with form registration for the event. i thought there would be a way to get the user’s email as soon as they activate the switch since they are already registered users.
If you make the screen filtered by signed-in user and use a Unique formula to get each user’s email address in the first column of the “sign-ups” sheet, add a switch in that details view that is being filtered by user and you’ll get the switch value in that sheet.
Thank you. I am a beginner so am a bit lost…any examples to share please.