Can't access a collection action on mobile only desktop?

This is a chat component. I want them to be able to access something else when they hover over the message, it work’s on desktop view but not on mobile view. Is there some way around this, or does anyone know what the cause is?
Screenshot 2024-09-03 133744
Screenshot 2024-09-03 133800

I think long press is the way to do it on mobile.

Thank you, it’s a bit of an annoyance explaining that. Added in custom words instead in the After Submit Action. I.E if text is !upload it will open a submit image page and clear that text, if they type !email it’ll send them a prewritten email and clear text, etc. Seems to be a lot more user friendly and they remember the !actions they need to use.

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It’s definitely annoying. I found out about it on one project and never tried to do it again ever since.

Interesting, so if you had to do a “support chat bot” but with live agents not AI, how would you set it up without the chat function? I have some ideas they just all seem to be quite long to implement.

I would still set it up with the chat function, just that I don’t usually have apps that would require that and when I do, it’s just for editing/deleting the message.