Button to show an animated gif to preview a product

I’d like to have an option where the user can click a button so they can preview the product via an animated gif. Is this possible with Glide?

If you have uploaded your animated gif on Google drive or anywhere else, use a button for which you set the action “open link”, as the link is the url of the animated gif. It should work, even if the gif will be opened in a new browser tab.

@Christophe_HK is a good option.
The other would be adding a boolean field or a button that when clicked, it changes the visibility of the gif image to Show/not Show. It looks pretty slick.

Something like this, but with your image.

Thank you @Christophe_HK and @eltintero. From a user experience perspective, I’d like to avoid sending them to another browser or outside the app. It seems @eltintero option is closest to what I’m looking for. Thank you for sharing the example on the boolean field. If I was to choose the button option, which action field should I use?

You should be able to do an action -> web view of the GIF To avoid leaving the app.

With the action -> Open web view, I get the following error.


Sorry. I made a mistake.
It’s either a choice component or a boolean component. Remember to set it as per user data.

Jesus A. Vargas Espinosa-Mireles

m. +52.555.505.1571
o. +52.998.478.0706
w. lowcode.agency
a. Blvd Kukulcan Km 9.5, ZH, Cancun, 77500

The action -> Open web view works fine when it’s just a static gif but I get the google embedded error when trying to point to the animated gif (both files are in the same location with shareable links). I tried testing it with youtube embedded link and have similar error…

Might not be able to host the file in Google Drive, then. Try hosting in Cloudinary?