Is it posible to insert an animation instead of the usuar loading one?

A client has snet me a JSON that is an aanimation he wants for when anything is loading. I was just wondering if it was possible for me implement it in my Glide app

It depends on how you define “loading”. If it’s something you can control in your data, then yes.

For example, a button is clicked, and a webhook is triggered. You can have a loading GIF on the screen until the value is sent back.

In some more cases, let’s say when the app is initially loaded, you can not change that loading animation, or when the wait action is triggered as well.

Alright thank you. That leads me to two questions.
1.- How can i Upload a Gif that keeps its animation? Just like any other photo?
2.- Is there a way for me two put an embeded video url and for me to no necessarily press play o in for it to play? like for it to keep on running indefinately without the anyone clicking it

Yes, that’s correct.

I don’t think autoplay is possible, but if you put a GIF in an image component then I believe it would work that way.

Hi @Alan8a
2- I had that problem for the autoplay and for a youtube video, you need to add a query parameter at the end of the url &autoplay=1 to make it play without having to press any button.
Try this for instance :

What browser did you test this on? I’m testing on Arc and it doesn’t work.

The autoplay trick did work like 4-5 years ago when we were still on Classic, but it has not worked for me since maybe 3 years ago.

Works on chrome that’s where I tested it … and it works fine

Weird, I tried everything and it doesn’t work on my end :sweat_smile:

Thanks to both of you I really appreciate the help

That’s really weird! Do you have ad block or unlock? :sweat_smile:

I checked back and I don’t think people had it working as well.

I’ll send you the video when I am back home. Maybe it has to do with embed in the link :person_shrugging:. I am not familiar with all those queries and their whereabouts.

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Hi Thinh, I uploaded the video and here it is. Autoplay works fine.

Most browsers do in fact block auto play to some degree. When a page first loads, it will allow one of two things. Either the video does not play at all, or it starts playing with the sound muted.

The one exception is if a user interacts with the page first. In that case, whenever a video is loaded, it is allowed to play with sound.

In your demonstration, you have already interacted with the page before the videos have loaded because you have clicked on a button. (Plus you are inside the builder, so you have already heavily interacted with the page, which is the builder.)

As an example, I have an app that plays audio from an iPad connected to an arena sound system. I built in a feature into the app where I can remote control it from another device to queue up songs, play, pause, etc. If I open the app on the iPad and don’t touch it or interact with it, then try to remote control it from another device, it will play the audio, but it will be muted. For that reason, I need to first tap on something to interact with the main ipad app first.

In your case, you are tapping on a button to load the videos, so that interaction is enough to play the video with audio. I suggest loading the videos by default on the first tab of your app, publish it, then open the published app. The video may start playing, but I would be willing to bet that it’s muted when it starts playing.

Pretty much any website that loads a video or audio by default will start out muted or not playing at all. Most browsers require user interaction first. The point is that browsers are helping to prevent us from being blasted with unwanted audio until we choose to hear it. This is a pretty well documented fact for modern browsers.


I once tried creating a video playlist with URI, and it indeed worked on desktop (both audio and video) with Chrome browser using the web embed component. However, it did not work on iPhone mobile devices due to stricter security measures. I have not tested it on other browsers or devices.


Thanks Jeff for your message and all the precious informations. You are right about working inside the builder, there are sometimes surprises.
So I gave it a try out of the builder and in private browsing window, cache clean chrome, safari and arc => it worked :

But yes, It’s true @Himaladin, it doesn’t work on mobile. I think this is the main issue.
@ThinhDinh , if you try it, let me know if it works or not on your browser. Thanks

This option is best avoided. Personally, I find it undesirable because, in addition to being disruptive, we must also consider those who may experience anxiety or have heart conditions. It could potentially lead users to mute the sound by closing the tab or exiting the app altogether.

But this is still requiring a button press (user interaction with the app). What happens when you directly load the videos without having to press any buttons? I guess that’s the point I’m trying to make. A user has to first do something after the page loads to get audio to be heard. If a sound clip or video starts playing automatically as soon as a page loads without the user doing anything, then the audio will be muted.

Maybe I’m reading into the use case too much, and the desired effect is to first push a button before the video is played. If that’s the case, then apologies.

Not sure what you are seeing with mobile vs desktop. I think the video is not available in my region, so it doesn’t load for me.

You have another problem here :sweat_smile:

And yes, I fully agree with this. I think most of my use cases won’t have the user interact with a button beforehand.

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@Jeff_Hager , I’m not sure if this video works on your end, but it does on mine. I’m sure there’s something causing this issue. If I publish with a different URL, the video won’t autoplay. This could be a bug, or there might be something triggering it.