Why since today, the texts in the buttons are in capital letters ??
Are you previewing as an IOS or Android device? Android devices always show capital letters for buttons whereas IOS show mixed case. Don’t know why, but it’s always been that way.
No in Windows and chrome and in the editor.
Right, but the only options in the editor are to preview as IOS or Android. We don’t have a tablet or desktop preview yet.
A yes sorry, I will withdraw the subject.
I’m sure it’s fine to keep it if somebody comes across this post with the same question. I’m actually surprised that it hasn’t been asked before.
Good ok
It’s funny, I’ve been using an Android with Glide for a few months and it never caught my eye.
Hehe, same here. I have an Android phone, but I always use the builder with the IOS view. Maybe I’m just so used to it at this point that I don’t pay much attention. I figure that users aren’t going to know any different, because they most likely only use one type of device.
the same …
Really?? Yuck!!
Never been an Android user, and that gives me a reason not to try.
I don’t need my phone shouting at me every time I look at it.
Not really sure if that’s a design decision by Glide, or if they are trying to follow Androids Material guidelines. Doesn’t seem to hold true as far as Android in general. I see all kinds of different buttons within Android.
Thank you @Jeff_Hager
for more information. We can therefore cry out loud for the respect of style.