Yeah buddy!!! Time to go update some apps!
Use UI/UX use cases anyone?
- Forward/Back (Inline list; until Swipe Component is live too!)
- Like/Dislike
- Follow/Unfollow
- Displaying Stats (inline)
- Tap-to-call/email/get directions
- Pick-up Item/Drop Item
Yep - thank you Glide Team!
Feature Request:
More! More! More side by side buttons! I need 4 side by side buttons, and there’s only 2. More, please!
(btw good job glide team!)
Never satisfied, huh?
Not yet
Exactly this. I’m waiting for Swipe.
Increase & decrease amount
Super cool! Just gave me a good idea!
How do you minus from the total? Math column, but then how would you display it? An If-the-Else?
Does the button you press last stay dark?
Ooh - I’m guessing that to do that you need to configure lots of visibility conditions.
The ‘next generation’ of Glide Apps will be led by the swipe cards and side-by-side buttons.
Great work team! <3
Thank you!
Will the new buttonbar allow for Next / Prev of inline lists?
If so, how do you do it?
The usual way to do that is with an Increment action (-1)
Whatever great new features, people want more! (Or cheaper )
No it doesn’t. What I did is a combination of increment action and relations - lookups.
That’s why I said I will wait for the Swipe layout though