Since yesterday I have been experiencing errors with GlideApps in the data. From one moment to the next all the rows of my application disappeared and later they appeared again and so it has continued. It is in all the tables that this is happening to me, I really hope for your help and I will be ready to answer any question to cooperate (CLARIFICATION: I have not made any modification that damages the operation of my data)
Subscription pro
1/What type of data source are you using? Glide Tables, Google Sheets or something else?
2/If you’re not using Glide Tables, do you see the rows in your external data source?
3/Can you provide a video of the behaviour?
[quote=“ThinhDinh, post:2, topic:71649, full:true”]
The data source is glide Tables.
3/Can you provide a video of the behavior?
I explain, in most tables only 10 files appear, when it had thousands.
At certain times the rows that were previously there come back but then they are deleted again. It sounds incredible but this is happening to me and they have not given me a response to my ticket.
Seeing only 10 rows in a table is a really good indication that you are over the row limit for your plan.
If you check the usage tab in the dashboard, How many rows does it show for that particular app?
Continuing the discussion from Bug in data:
I have the Team plan but I have never had a problem with the row limit until now in the new update.
What can I do to extract my old data and create a new app that does not exceed 25,000 rows?
Yeah, that is very well over the limit.
I can’t advise on how to trim down your data. That is entirely up to you.
You can explore high scale data sources which allows 100k rows beginning with the Business plan, but that limit is still well below the number of rows you have. You may have to contact Glide Sales and explore an Enterprise plan if you need that much data.
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