Hi, in my app my sheets has started to look bland / empty when new users add data. Alla the calcs and filtering still works but sheets don’t populate. What could be wrong? @ThinhDinh could this be because I have array calcs based on profile data that is being added?
It’s strange that it’s not in the data editor. Try Command+Shift+Down Arrow in the sheet and see if it takes you to the missing data. I have this happen almost every time I set up a formula…
Use of arrayformulas require you to delete all empty rows in the sheet. New records are always added to the bottom.
@Jeff_Hager, when I delete the empty rows, they just come back - what am I doing wrong?
@ThinhDinh don’t you sleep?
As Jeff said, it’s likely the empty rows are the issue here. When Glide tells Sheets there’s a new row, Sheets see all empty rows as valid rows and won’t write to them. Therefore it will be written to row 501 or 1001 something.
Another case is that you may have written “ “ instead of “” in your formula.
Just woke up it’s almost 6 here lol. Watched a soccer match last night, Asians have a hard time following European sports, many matches are at 1 or 2am lol.
They shouldn’t come back unless you are maybe doing something similar to what’s happening in this thread.
Ah, yeah actually now I see them in the bottom. Is this okay or should I try to change the structure somehow?
You should delete all the empty rows.
Ok, thanks will do! Just out of curiosity - what’s the risk of having empty rows?
Just the thing I mentioned here.