Blank Edit Screen

Hello, i just created an inventory app and whenever i try to edit my items, my edit screen appears blank with no components. Do i have to re-add all the components of the form? I also saw somewhere that they had to rebuild the entire app to solve the issue. Is there a better way to solve this without recreating everything from the start?

I don’t see any components listed in the left hand panel. Have you tried adding some to the screen?

I haven’t yet because I was worried of messing up the data. I thought once i click “edit”, the screen is supposed to automatically appear with my prefilled form but it is showing blank for all the forms i create.

From your earlier screen shot, can you click on Data at the bottom left, and take a screen shot of what appears?

Okay, thanks.
I just wanted to confirm that your Edit form was actually attached to a row in your table, and there are columns for it to write to.

That screenshot looks okay, so I’m not sure. If you add components to the Edit screen, do they stay there if you cancel out of the form and come back?

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yes they do stay there after I back out and come back. Would building the entire form again the easiest way?

Yes, I think so :man_shrugging:

I see. thank you! :sob:

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