Barcodes/Sound - This might make people happy

@mark It is fantastic news. I do have a few comments/suggestions :slight_smile:

  1. Camera should be the default choice for scanning code - and should be sized accordingly (largers, bolder,…) (like image below) and easier accessible (fx to the far right in order to click is by thumb)
  2. I would like the “take image” icon to be a camera (like vivino) - and not a check-mark
  3. Accepting the scanned image is difficult for me to understand. I have to click on the recognized barcode to get it saved. If more than one barcode is found in the image Glide actually detects all of them - but it is not possible to choose which image to use - this could though be an error that is fixed before in goes to production.
  4. If there was just one barcode in the image then I expect that glide just uses that barcode. The user can thereafter just cancel, retake or use (like vivino below) the image. That would be easy for me to understand.
  5. I like that it is possible to adjust the settings directly from the scanning page
  6. Are we going to get the same settings possibility in the image picker - that would be very, very beneficial :slight_smile:

Please let me know if I can be of assistance with extra info.

I have a simple inventory scanner where I would like to use the new barcode scanning functionality: