Audio player not working?

Have read a couple of threads here about audio component. It’s not working for me. I’m using Google drive in a public folder, with a public link. Why is my audio component not working/the play button is greyed out?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi @Seekr_Disc_Golf,

Format the URL a bit and try again!

You get your URL from Drive like this :

Then copy the ID from the URL :

18dG1BCTkDfG1HWtkhW3K0WizYyAJPysG ( the value between d/ and /view )

After that add that ID to this formatted URL and paste the full URL on the audio component :{copied ID}

End result :

Thank you

It works! THANK YOU!

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I would recommend uploading the file to Glide using the file picker, if it’s not too much of a problem to re-configure.

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