Any tips for easy migration/recreation of apps from Legacy

I have a few legacy apps I need to redo in the new platform. I have alot of components each with filters, visibility logic etc…

Is there an easy to help me reduce time rather then creating each component 1 at time ?

Seems like I cannot copy and paste components. I cannot duplicate the apps.

I was able to export and import the table side, but the front end component side is where I am having a headache.

Any suggestions, tips and tricks are welcome.


When I had to go this I was able to copy all my back end tables, formula, and special properties but had to recreate my front from scratch.

Tables can be shared or imported, however layout and actions need to be recreated.

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Are you aware of the Create App from data feature?

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Hi Darren,

I don’t think so, can you direct me to some info please.

Pick any Classic App on your Glide Dashboard, hover over it and click the 3 dots…

I think I have used this before, but in my current scenario it may not work, as the current (classic) app is using google sheets and once I migrate I want to get rid of googlesheets due to the syncs.

Also when you do this, I assume the formulas are NOT copied across and you have to recreate the formulas again ?

ah, right. Yes, there is no easy way to migrate from Google Sheets to native tables, I’m afraid.

All Glide computed columns will be copied, yes.


Hey Darren, I’ve got a situation where I’m on the Free legacy plan and want to move the new plans.

But i can’t see the “New App from data” option when i click on the 3 dots. How can I migrate?

The New App from Data option only applies if you are converting a Classic App to a New App. That is completely separate from Legacy Plans and New Plans.

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