The new Array handling options are incredible! Finally a way to manipulate arrays including a simple way to eliminate an entry within the array.
Goodbye Trebuchet it was fun whilst it lasted…
The new Array handling options are incredible! Finally a way to manipulate arrays including a simple way to eliminate an entry within the array.
Goodbye Trebuchet it was fun whilst it lasted…
Yes, it does work. It has nothing to do with your actual spreadsheet. It uses coding to interpret your Excel formula.
It probably does handle all Excel formulas, but you can get Today() by creating a math column with a replacement that points to Now.
Formulas must start with =
That’s giving you a numerical representation of today, which is actually the same as what Excel does under the hood. You’d need to apply some formatting to it.
But as Jeff pointed out, you’re better off just using a Glide Math column for this use case.
I think Google and Excel store that underlying date serial number. The only difference is that they usually have the column formatting applied.
Instead I think you would have to do
`=TEXT(TODAY(), “m/d/yyyy”)
I’d still use a math column for this particular case.
Thanks for diving down that rabbit hole with me… appreciate the Glide version is of course the best route… I was just trying an Excel formula and that was the first that came to mind… all those Excel wizards must be feeling smug today!
These new computed columns add a ton of value. Thank you. I can now implement my email validation using Onesimpleapi without setting up the code (very no/low code of you).
Great job
What @Darren_Murphy are @Jeff_Hager meant by numerical value of a date is that whether in Excel or Google Sheets, dates are but an integer. If you select a column in Excel/GS, format it to date, put a date in any cell of the column, you’ll see the date displayed as a date. Change the format of the same column to number and you’ll get an integer. The origin of the counter is around January 1,1900.
Exce vs. Google Sheets trivia: the counters don’t start exactly on the same date. I used to know the exact dates but I don’t anymore. You can test it out in Excel and GS directly
I spent my holiday playing with the new plugins and it was amazeballs!
It really moves no-coding up a notch.
My literally exploded now
This absolutely amazing.
Well done team glide
Hi, here some feedback for Pluralize Plugin
Excellent and super fast QR-CODE management. Instead, it may interest someone how I solved their display, through RT instead of Image or Title.
I encoded the base64 via a template.
WOW!!! This is incredible.
Can anyone confirm that this works for you, or just a selected few have it? I can’t see anything when I right click on the Glide Tables… Thanks in advance!