Add image directly to google sheet


Adding an image directly within a sheet does not appear in glide, is this right? Is this possible? Thanks in advance for any help or advise

Hey there,

For the image component to work, you’ll need an image URL. If you’re looking to display an address instead, insert the address into the Photo column on your sheet, and change the option on your photo component in Glide to address url.

Hope this helps!

Thanks but this doesn’t entirely solve my problem of uploading straight to the sheet without url. Thinking isn’t not possible.cheers

No it’s not possible. Image components need a url. Use Google drive, share the image and get the url, otherwise you should be able to drag and drop the image into an image component within the builder and it will be uploaded and hosted by Glide, which will populate a url in your sheet.

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Right. The only non-URL “images” that you can place in a spreadsheet are emojis. They will show up in image components and as thumbnails in lists, but (for whatever reason), they won’t display as titles. Check out for an example.

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Interesting. Never knew you could use an emoji in an image component or list image. If found out however the PDF links will render a preview in an image.

I always do that but I can use it as tiles too (image). The only downside is the resolution of the emoji image.

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