The Images I have stored in Google Drive that I have added to a Google sheet as URLs to then link to my Glide App do not always show?

Hi everyone,

The Images I have stored in Google Drive that I have added to a Google sheet as URLs to then link to my Glide App do not always show?

This is an intermittent problem and frustrating as my app is all about viewing the images, anyone got any ideas what I can do to make this more stable?

Thanks in advance, Simon

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Hi @Jeff_Hager thanks for the reply.

How do I host the images in Glide? Do I need to import them into the spreadsheet rather than just the URL link? I have around 300 images that I am displaying in a tiles list in my app

Thanks Simon

You will have to upload them individually into glide. There are several ways to upload images into glide as outlined in the documentation below. Images will be stored in Glide’s storage, and the url of that location is stored in the table. I’m not aware of any way to do this on a mass scale. Maybe start with the images that are giving you trouble.

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I also use images stored on Google Drive.
You can change the url so that it can be displayed on Glide.

Original link

Changed link

Like this[your_id_image]

Thanks @Jeff_Hager I am going to add them all 1 by 1 so lets hope that works :grinning:

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Thanks for the reply @resepsionis_ganteng

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Also if you are using google drive, make sure the link is open to everyone and not restricted in your drive settings