I’m using a button that gives the user the option to delete his account.
It currently works, but I would like all the photos it has uploaded to be deleted along with the account.
Then I would like to know if there is a dialog box that when the user presses the button, the button responds with: Are you sure you want to delete your user?
Yes or NO if yes cancel otherwise it will exit the cycle
Create a multiple relation column in the User Profile table that matches the user email address with the same value in the table where the photos are stored.
Modify the above action as follows:
– Delete Row->multiple relation (this will delete all photos)
– Wait for condition->multiple relation is empty (this will wait until all photos are deleted before proceeding)
– Delete row->This item
To give the user an opportunity to cancel, change the action on the delete button to Show new screen->This item in an Overlay or Slide in screen. Then add a confirmation message (eg. “Are you sure?”) to the next screen, and two buttons. One button should run the delete sequence above, and the other button should close the overlay/slide in and do nothing else.
Depending on the access settings (especially private and public with restriction), I wonder what happens:
• does the app reload and is the user automatically logged out then brought back to the log-in screen?
• does nothing happen and the user is still signed in to an app they are not supposed to be able to use anymore?
If it’s a private app and the user is deleted from the whitelist table, they should be signed out almost immediately. I think a public app would just keep them signed in.
There is still the matter of having to delete the user data as well which can’t be done by the user and contains all of the internal user data we cannot see.