Would two devices with the same email be able to log into Glide?

Hello Glide Community,

I am creating a private app that needs to only be shared with a couple of users (User Group A), within my organization. I’m planning on using the email whitelist feature to restrict access so only the email addresses that those users have are granted access when they log into the app (1 email per user). However, I’m wondering if other users from outside that group(User Group B) (but still in my organization) can use an email that belongs to a user in Group A (since I’m using their personal email addresses and everyone most likely knows each other’s emails, can access the app. Can two devices be logged into the same email at the same time?

Thanks for reading,

I would say that yes, it’s possible.

yes, once they have both entered the pin

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Is there any way I can limit access to one device per email?

If you are using the authentication a person would have to have access to that email to verify the pin. As long as they don’t have access it would be limited.

Thanks so much!
But I still have a question, I’ve been reading this,
And it seems that you can only have a pin if you have it set to public with email, not with email whitelist.
Is there a feature, that allows you to have email whitelist + pin?

Hi William,

I don’t think it’s possible. An email whitelist + pin for an extra layer of security?

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Email whitelist still verifies with a pin. It works the exact same as public with email, with the exception that it’s restricted to a list of certain emails.


Thank you!
I did not know that email whitelist also had pin verification.

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Yes, the app still needs to verify there is a real legitimate person behind the email by requiring a pin. Especially with email whitelist apps which are private! Otherwise anybody could get into private apps just by knowing an email address. This will not stop somebody from sharing their email address and the pin they receive when somebody else signs in with that email on a different device, but I think it would be rare.