Which symbols to use?

@JackVaughan is see you copy/paste symbols in Google Sheets. Are there specific sets to use? What would you suggest?

I use these two sites:
Website for icons

Website for characters to add some icons or other images.

Thanks a lot!

When I see Jack’s videos, he copy / pastes symbols in Google Sheets, but you can’t put images as PNG in Google Sheets, can you? Hou do you get the symbols in?

Just highlight them on the website and use a keyboard short cut Ctrl-C to copy, then Ctrl-V to paste it into the text of the cell as you are typing the text.

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Here’s another site I’ve come across. Just remember that emoticons/emojis are a form of text. They are technically not images like png or jpg.



This does the trick!

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Yes absolutely @erwblo, just emojis. There a couple of good chrome plug-ins which give you access to hundreds if not thousands.

Emojis did the trick!

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