Webhook/schedule/email workflows and user-specific (must not appears)

The new webhook, email and schedule workflow must not allow to play with user-specific columns since the backend won’t know what user to impersonate.

I tried it, it is just not doing anything to that column.

I suggest to hide the user-specific columns from these three new workflow types.

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In a similar vain, anyone got any tips or suggestions for email trigger to allow users to be identified?

Ie - can a users rowID be added the the email address so that glide can identify which user sent the email? This would allow each user to have their own unique email address which triggers the same workflow but allows that workflow to identify the user.


The sender email is directly available in the trigger payload. You can use that to build a Query to the users table. If you need to modify any data in the users row, you can first use a Single Value->First->Whole Row through the Query, then use a Set Column values via that.

I have done this, so I know it works.


Thanks Darren.

Would be nice to be able to play with user-specific when a mail comes from an email present in the users table.

You can do this by storing the values in the Users table. Have you tried that?

Create a column for the user that is not user-specific in the Users table

Yes, I know, thanks. But the bug report I am doing is for the user-specific columns available in add row and set columns value action for webhook workflow. It must not be available to edit user-specific columns, since the workflow can’t impersonate a user at the moment. Anyway, as you can see, the column isn’t updating.

Thanks for your replies :slight_smile:

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Perhaps I’m not following, so I suggest we discuss in Closed Beta Slack channel. This would be a potential solution where you use the webhook data to access table data


Thanks again Darren

What I ended up doing was this

Email received>loop through users table filtering against senders email

Then act on the results of that loop, which should of course only return one.

Is your suggestion the following?

Email received>add a row to an emails received table>query senders email against users table?

I need to send an email back to the sender if their email is not in the users table - which with my method does not seem possible.

Shame we have to add a row just to check a user exists but guess it can be deleted straightaway if necessary. Or is there a better way?


Okay, that’s a different way to do it. But not suitable for your use case, it seems.

No, not at all. I wasn’t suggesting adding any rows at all. Read again what I wrote:

Nothing there about adding rows :slight_smile:

Okay, so using my method:

  • Query Users Table. Filter where Users Table->Email is Trigger->Sender Email
  • Conditional: If Query is empty, then Send Email to Trigger->Sender Email
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Got it - so sorry. Don’t know why I couldn’t work that out.

Thanks as always Darren

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