Volume Traffic when using Public option

I’m currently in the talks with a client to make a public app for his event. But his event has almost 40.000 visitors.

To what extend can Glide handle such a large influx of visitors? I don’t expect all 40.000 to be visiting at ones. But 10.000 isn’t unheard of.

Is this something I need to worry about or can Glide easily handle this?

For 40k visitors I assume you’d be building your application on the Maker plan. Note that users will be able to sign in to your app with their personal email only.

As for the number of users and concurrent users in particular, to be confirmed, but I’ve heard/read @david, the CEO of Glide, mention multiple times that Glide applications can handle that type of volume and more.

To be on the safe side, you might want to use Glide tables to build your app and perhaps avoid Airtable or Google Sheets to stay clear from sync delays, especially to handle data the visitors might need in real-time.

They don’t even have to log in as the client only wants to share info and not collect user data or anything else.

But sounds good!

If people don’t need to log in, then they won’t even be considerer users (a person who signs in with an email address), only visitors. In that case your Glide application will be similar to a public website. My guess is that Glide’s servers could handle that kind of volume. Guessing is probably not good enough, you might want to wait that others chime in or do a advanced search in the forum, there have already been discussions about volume.

PGA was a pretty reliable example of how Glide can serve massive events.


Awesome, this gives me the confidence!

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