Visibility is not working

let me ask, in my application create an “ADMIN” table, I have “settings” in the “options” menu where the TAB can only be accessed by the admin…
but it doesn’t work, is there something i’m missing?

Make sure you don’t have any trailing spaces either in the visibility conditions or your data, also it’s case-sensitive so check all the letters as well.


thanks for the fast response
for data, I think I’ve done it right, is there something missing?

Do you have any trailing spaces in the visibility settings or the Sheet?

I just edited your response to censor the emails and phone numbers.

thanks for censoring email and phone number…
i have no trailing spaces
I just tried on a real device, it worked…
Why this happened?

Well if it works on a real device then try refreshing the data editor, else I would classify it as a bug and report it here.

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I’ve tried refreshing it in the data editor, but the result is still the same…
if you pay attention to what I marked, for users it doesn’t show photos, but on real devices the photos and status appear…

Glide editor :point_down:

Real Device :point_down:

That’s weird. Please submit a bug report in that case.

now on real device it doesn’t work either, I’ve made a ticket on this issue.

please, can anyone help me?
This is very important to me, I need a quick solution

I can’t help any further. Only support people can look deeper into your app and know what the deep problem is. @SantiagoPerez please have a look at this if you can.

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thanks a lot for helping me so far… :pray:

it seems that this has something to do with the USER PROFILE, because any special settings related to the USER PROFILE don’t work

Hola @agung_Taufik

Please, send a support ticket if you haven’t yet.

Instead of Status is ADMIN, can you try Status includes ADMIN?

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