Something isn’t right and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I don’t see any reason why this shouldn’t work, but I think I’m still missing some details about how you have your screen and settings configured.
So it’s apparent that you are using a form container. What I’m suspecting though, is that your visibility conditions are actually looking at values in the new row that hasn’t been submitted yet. It looks to me like your tab is pointing to the inscription table and your form is writing to the inscription table as well, so when you view the data in the at the bottom of the builder, you see the first row, since that is the row that the Tab is attached to, but your form has not created a row yet and the counts are actually blank for the new row being added. What may be happening is that glide is interpreting blank as not less than 4, so the component doesn’t show up. Basically, the way you are trying to set it up is not going to work because the visibility conditions are not looking at the row that you want them to look at.
What I really think you need to do is get those counts into your user profile table. Ideally, the logic would remain in glide, and you use rollups and other functions to get the counts, but if you want to keep it in a google sheet, then I think all you need to do is create Single Value columns in the user table that pulls those counts from the first row of the inscription table and populates is across all user rows. Then you can change your visibility condition to use the counts from the user table instead. User profile values are accessible everywhere in the app as global values. That way, you are pulling the actual values from the first row of the inscription table through the single value in the user table, and your visibility should work as expected.