Visability Settings for Public Pro App

I am moving my Legacy Pro App to a new account and changing it to a Public Pro App. I need to know how to "make the app semi-private using visibility conditions and having users enter in their real email addresses on their Profile page."

Could anyone help me with instructions how to do this?

I am hoping that this does not mean each person would have to sign in with their email to access the site every time. We are using 'whitelist" now and it is perfect, but the plan is no longer available.

I think people won’t have to sign in every time. They just need to sign in once, unless they sign out themselves or clear their browser cache/history.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this. You can use row owners to be ensured about data privacy, if that’s what you want. Regarding the real email, you already get it when they sign in.


I read your comment about this in your other thread, and I can tell you that your concern here is unfounded. Users are kept logged in via an authentication cookie that’s stored on their device. Moving from a private to a public app doesn’t change that behaviour.