I have created a very basic app for educators to view staff names, roles, and phone numbers. No matter what I change in the actions for “allow users to edit information” anyone who opens the app can still edit the information I Have put in. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
My guess is that you have a Title component on a details screen that has an Edit action (which is the default). If you cant find it, show us a screen shot of the offending screen in the builder, with the components panel on the left hand side visible.
Is that the same screen where you see the edit button?
What if you click on one of the collection items - which components are on the next screen?
Under components I can see each of the screens I created and the option for people to edit. Both options are turned off under the components and under the navigations. I’ve created this app every year as a teacher and never run into this. It’s truly baffling me!
I think you’re looking in the wrong place.
Like I said, click on one of the Collection Items and look at the next screen. Is that where you see the edit button? If it is, check the components on that screen, and in particular the Title component if there is one.
Try pressing “enable advanced actions”, make changes there. If I’m not mistaken what you mean, that you always get to a detail screen that you don’t want.
Long story short, there is more than one place to potentially allow editing. You could add the option all over your app if you wanted. You turned off the option specifically on the one collection component, so when you click the 3 dots on a specific item in your collection, the edit button is now removed. That is just for the collection component and nothing else. However the detail screen for each item is a whole different screen with different components. By default Glide adds a title component on detail screens which also contains a button to allow editing. You need to remove the edit option on that title component. There is no such thing as a global option to allow or disallow editing. You need to specifically control any edit option on each individual component where you see an edit button.