So I was making a social media, and editing is allowed for other people to edit other’s stuff, while it should be off. Any tips?
Need more information. Please provide a screenshot from the Glide Builder layout that shows the components in question.
I don’t have a screenshot, but I will describe it more.
I turned edits off, and add posts off. Guess what? I log in on a alt, and it says “Edit✏️” under the post pic. Idk what’s goin on
Okay, I’ll make an educated guess.
- You have a list of items
- You click on an item, and that takes you to another screen
- On that screen, you see an Edit button.
Is that correct?
If yes, check the components on that last screen.
One of them is probably a Title component.
Click on that component in the components panel on the left hand side.
On the right hand side, check if there are any actions attached to that component.
If none of the above is correct, you need to tell me more about how your App is setup. Why can’t you take a screen shot? It would make it so much easier, then I wouldn’t have to guess.
Remove the edit action from whichever component contains it on that item detail screen.
Are you talking about the button? If so, then I can’t. Are you talking about the action settings? I don’t have that. Are you talking about the “Allow to edit” button? All of them are off. As well as the add stuff.
Thank you! I needed this.
This might just be the kindest response that I’ve ever seen on the internet.
Agreed. It’s extraordinary the lengths Darren and others go to to help people on this forum - for no financial gain - despite only having little information.
What you don’t know is that I was swearing through my teeth
Y’all it’s been months how’s it going
Let’s make the first Glide conversation!