Foreign exchange
I have looked and at guides, watched several videos and tried various templates but I am completly stuck!
I am trying to develop a very simple calculating app where the user imputs a value and that number is then mutiplied by a value (that the user is not able to change) and the result is displayed.
This is the link to my [Google sheet] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jrWkRd9R0j5KZ6_Aev53V7v0eorO021D-usAf2ydJA4/edit?usp=sharing)
“Frontend” is where the data is that I propose to use on the App
“UserView” is how it may look in the App
Any help or advice would be very welcomed…
I have now created a “number entry” and that is getting me started…
I have configured the column to have a £ symbol and display .00 but it is not updating this info / style 0- just showing as 100 etc in the number entry in the App -
It maybe me that hs got it wrong …!
Hey Mike,
Welcome to the forum.
Use the template column in the data editor, or maybe the math column.
That way you can multiply the input number provided by the user by the exchange rate in your other sheet.
@Mike_Greene, take a look at my Calc App and use it to learn a little more https://multicalc.glideapp.io
Many thanks for this it has helped me to get a hang of working with the various options.
It would be nice to be able to make a nicer user interface but hey its free !
I am having a problem to get currency symbols and .00 to work from the datasheet from a number column - I have changed the settings in edit bit they do b=not come through on the app itself…
Thanks agin for your help.
Are you trying to view the formatted number in an entry component or a text component? You will not see the formatting on an entry component.
Well that is rather disappointing.
The app just won’t be useable without being able to display the currency symbol or .00
Thank you for getting back to me
Well you can display your calculated results however you want, just not the input fields for the calculation.
I now understand but as the input figure remains on the screen and is an important element it has to be displayed as currency.
Thank you again
Hi you have been really helpful!
I have now set up the sign-in and email logins are being recorded on a new sheet - App: Logins - I can see this on your lovely app too.
But on yours, the email address appears automatically on your Calculos sheet and creates a new line
- I cannot find how this works - could you explain?
Stay Safe
Check these out:
This is the same process, but instead of not setting a profile sheet, you will set it.
The video here explains how profiles work.