Using VALD API to send data to Glide (or google sheets) tables


I’m looking for the best way to use APIs to send data from VALD ( ) into glide tables

For example using the “Nordboard” system. I’d like to gather rows of athlete data into my glide system automatically.

Can this be done all on glide or do I need to use the VALD API with something else first?

Thankyou in advance!! :pray:t3:

Which Glide Plan do you have?

On maker atm, is that possible with maker ?

Maker is tricky, because you don’t have access to Call API or the Glide API.
I think the best I could suggest is to attach a Google Spreadsheet and then use either Apps Script or Make to interact with the API and push data into the Google Spreadsheet, which would then sync with Glide.

That’s not a problem, google sheets solution I think would work great

Is either of those options preferred? I’m not familiar with APIs (this is my first attempt!) so any advice to set up would be appreciated! :pray:t3:


I think it mostly depends on your skillset. Make is a no code option, although it may come at a cost - depending on the volume of API calls. Apps Script is baked into Google Sheets and is essentially free, but it does require some proficiency with JavaScript.

How frequently do you need an API call to pull data in your app?

makes sense! i will look into these. thankyou! appreciate your time :pray:t3:

gold standard would be as soon as a new entry is made onto the VALD system it pulls straight through, but equally a manual refresh or every hour, or even every day works tbf

just atm exporting from that VALD system is way too long