Using Integrations for actions

Hello !

I am trying to clear the value of an entire column of data when the user is clicking on an action.
I have the feeling I could us the remove element from set option but I don’t get how it works.

The column to clear is a boolean and any other solution is welcome !
Thanks a lot !

There is no way built-in way to clear an entire column unless you use an external process such as Zapier, Make, and/or the Glide API.

The only alternative is smoke and mirrors.


Thanks Jeff !
I am having troubles understanding the solution offered.

So I created a value in a parent column that I can change (On/Off)

Then I created a column fetching it (Clear) in my table
and loaded it as a single value in the last column (Single value)
But I don’t get this last sentence : “then compare that parent value to a column that we set or unset for each row”

Ya…from what I hear, we’ll soon have looping actions which will give us a way to edit (clear) a column of data. No ETA yet

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Thanks Robert !

Is there any video on the temporary solution provided by Jeff ?
I am relly struggling with it and not finding any workaround :frowning:

To give a bit of context, I am trying to create an app where.

  • Step 1: I give the duration of a trip via a form
  • Step 2 : I submit the form and have a table of what I should pack.

Problem is the pack unpack columns is not variable so whenever I update a new trip the checkboxes from the previous trip remain ticked …

Here is how my data and layouts are displayed :

hmm, Jeff’s solution won’t really work for you there, because you’re using a Data Grid, and no matter what you do you can’t change the status of those checkboxes all at once.

To make it work, you would need to use a different collection style - either a list or a table. Essentially you need something with an item click action, which the data grid doesn’t have.

If you’re open to using a different collection style, let us know and one of us will guide you through the setup.

Yes 100% open as long as I find a solution haha :joy: !

Just one thing… I’ve been looking at your screenshots, and as far as I can tell there is nothing in your Suitcase table that relates to a Trip. Does this mean that your Suitcase table only ever applies to the next trip being planned?

Yes ! It’s just one trip at a time and there is no real need to “store” the infos since you only do the packing once.

The submit button from the form is more of an actualize button then

I recommend using a choice component configured as a checkbox list where the value is a concatenation of the item you’re packing, the user and the trip ID (eg. itemID_personID_tripID) created via a template column.

The choice component can be on the trip screen And write to a user specific checklist column.

In the items table, you will need to dynamically grab the trip ID somehow (my favorite method is to capture the row ID of the current screen, which would be the ID of the trip using A get part of URL column). You would then can catenate us with the users row ID or email and the ID of the item itself.

This way, the checkbox automatically clears itself for each new trip.

I don’t have a video that goes through this method specifically, but I do reference A variation of it in my checklist where I discuss recurring checklists using a choice component.


Actually, it’s probably simpler than what I said above. Just need a choice component pointing to an items column in a trips table (assuming each record in the trips table is assigned to only one user)


Thanks a loooot ! This video gives me more hints to find a solution.

Unfortunately, the choice component won’t do the trick I am afraid because there is also for each item the quantity required to pack that should appear. The choice component does not allow such details.

I will try to use the method “using checklist components for project specific task” then. But I am wondering watching your video if I have to add the rows manually for every new project like you do at 6:34 :thinking:
Or maybe there is a way to add the lines automatically with the correct trip id when I submit a new trip ?

So you have a fixed list of items like the screenshot below, and when you want to pack for a new trip, you want to clear the packed column? And you don’t need a historical table of which trips you have done?


I take it if you have the quantity column and the packed column as basic columns, this is the cleanest way.

If there is fixed 9 rows so it’s enough to just add custom multi step action - set column value
Simply add to user row Single value whole row 0…Single value hole row 8
and use it in each of 9 actions Set column value thru SVx
It is blazing fast and no cost.


Yes, I was almost going to suggest that. It’s horrible, but in this case it might be the simplest and easiest option :man_shrugging:

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